Wednesday 3 December 2014

My new storage solution

Hey everyone,

Found a new storage box for my Malifaux collection, May pick up another for my orboros army for the game Hordes.

Here is my new "case"

Got this idea on The Wyrd Place facebook group so shout out to them for being awesome!

I also ordered 200 magnets as well as I was almost out and I have an over shopping problem.

I tested it out with my old metal Bete Noire from Malifaux 1.5 and I can hold the case upside down without the model moving.

The main reason I picked this specific case is that it has a removable tray that is also metal. I can pop my 2 demo crews in the top of it and keep the rest of my stuff safely in the bottom. I am also going to create a little wall inside the bottom to fit my fate deck and measuring tape. 

Overall I'm really happy with it, it is a far better solution than my current cardboard box with a layer of foam in it. 

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Wyrd Games Black Friday Sale

Hello everyone,

No I am not American so my Thanksgiving has already come and gone but I do get to reap the rewards of the Black Friday sales. Happy Thanksgiving anyway :)

This year the only sale I am participating in is from Wyrd Miniatures. Thought I should pick up a few more Malifaux. This helps me as I have more plastic crack and helps people getting demos as they get to see a larger variety of models.

On my list is the Nightmare Tara crew, C. Hoffman's crew box and some crooked men. This will give me enough to play Ressers and give me some much needed constructs for my Guild crews.

For a new player just coming in I wouldn't recommend ordering directly from Wyrd but try to get it from your FLGS. Most of these items will be in local game stores within the next 1-2 months I'm assuming from previous sales. You can also use an online retailer such as miniature market. They wont have any of the special edition models but you will save a lot of money. They should also get all the standard release models at about the same time as local game shops.

Friday 21 November 2014

Warsenal Review

I recently picked up an order from Warsenal, they specialize in terrain, markers, bases and templates for the game Infinity but have a few other items as well.

Here is a link to their site:

I had such a good experience in dealing with Warsenal that I wanted to make a post to recommend them to others in need of terrain or templates.

On my most recent order I got 2 buildings, 40 bases and a few measuring tools. These were sent in a large padded envelope and arrived without any damage. Shipping took about 2 weeks but I believe much of that was the package crossing the border from the US to Canada. Previous orders from Miniature Market that are shipped the following day take about a 10 days to arrive so there wasn't a great deal of extra wait time.

First up, the buildings:

The Pillboxes went together very easily with the instructions provided on their site. I would recommend them to anyone trying to do terrain on a budget as they are $20 USD for 2. If you buy the 2 pack you get 2 unique buildings as well which will help with a little variety on your table. I also really like that the roof and the door are removable.

Here is a link to the product:

And my pictures after assembly:

Next up, the bases: 

These were recommended to me by Tom at Mayacast.
They went together easily with super glue. They were then painted a boltgun metal color and drybrushed with a steel color. I airbrushed spots on the bases to look lit up. 

Here is the result with a couple of my Aleph Netrods. I think they turned out really well, they are also inexpensive as far as custom bases go. I really hope Warsenal comes out with some new base designs as well, I would love to get more variety for other armies I plan on painting.

Finally, the measuring stick:

It isn't actually a stick but it is very useful. It is 6x4x2 which sounds really odd but it awesome for 40k and Infinity. Most models move 6 or 4 inches in Infinity and 40k. Units of the same squad also have to be within a 2" coherency for your squads in Warhammer 40k. It cuts down a lot on the time it takes to move my soldiers around the table. Also its only $5 which is close to what you would pay for a tape measure at a hardware store. If you order from them, I would recommend tagging it on your purchase.

Overall I would give Warsenal a 10/10. Products are easy to use and look great. Only minor issue I had was with shipping time but that is to be expected with an international order so I can't blame them.

If you have any feedback or comments please leave them below.

Thanks for reading


Thursday 20 November 2014


Hello Everyone,

My name is Mike Nielsen. I'm a 23 year old wargamer from Regina, SK Canada. I wanted to start a blog to document all the miniature games I play and all the painting I do. I play anything and everything miniature including: Malifaux, Infinity, Warhammer 40k, Fantasy, Warmachine, Hordes and Xwing.

I'll be posting tutorials, batreps, photos of what I'm painting, reviews of miniatures and anything else I can think of :) I will try to keep up with at least weekly but maybe more frequent posts if possible.

I am also a Henchman for the game Malifaux so expect quite a bit of Malifaux content from my demos and other henchman activities.

Here is a recent crew I finished tonight for my Malifaux demos, the box set is called The Latigo Posse:

Here is a link if anyone is interested in picking up the box set for themselves (try to buy from your local gamestore first!):

Thanks for reading, feel free to leave comments if you have any questions or feedback.

- Mike